Monday, August 31, 2015

Man Dried !

Man Dried !
Dried fish to the shore of the Sea of ​​Papua New Guinea Moro dbipadesa circulation, but there is a tradition in the village of something else. You will see in the eyes and forehead. Dried fish and meat are all over the world where there is the whole of the village of Moro dry!The key role of the community in the case of dried coal from the Moro people. It is a matter of relief, this is not to eat dried fish. Poker is known as the entrance of the village to the organization for this is made dry.Ancient peoples believed that dried coal to keep these dead people would protect them from danger. Will guard the village. Finally, there's an attempt to increase the coloring of the dry!

Moro village, kill all the fat from the dead man's body was taken out. To dry the body to the village in front of all the initial work done at any stage of the long bamboo is a beautiful hanging. To bring out the dead body fat is used in cooking!In 1974, the people of Papua New Guinea government to dry completely banned the practice . But the government still adheres to this rule is in violation of Community coal